Source:联系我们-99公司上下分客服电话19987877778(99贵宾) Published:2019-07-22
wpc exterior wall panel is a new material composed of wood or other biomass fibre materials and thermoplastics. It uses wood flour, plastic, stone powder and various processing aids to form wpc exterior wall panel profiles with an air heart rate of about 80% at one time by high temperature and high pressure process, and fills them with materials with excellent thermal insulation performance to form high-efficiency, energy-saving and self-insulation wpc wall panel. With the continuous development of wpc exterior wall panel market, wind pressure design has become a problem that can not be ignored.
At present, domestic wpc enterprises mainly focus on the export market. With the increasing export volume of wpc exterior wall panel, the requirement of wind pressure resistance for exterior wpc wall panel system in foreign building codes requires wpc factories to reunderstand the requirements of foreign codes. At present, there is no specific requirement of wind pressure resistance for building exterior wpc wall panel in the domestic standard "Code for Residential Buildings". Only the reference material standard is required. However, there is no performance index of wind pressure resistance in the existing wallboard standard "WPC Decoration Board".
According to the characteristics of wpc exterior wall panel, it can be classified as light (hollow or solid) exterior wall panel or strip board, which is assembled on keel or frame. The calculation of wind pressure in external wall pit refers to curtain wall standard generally, but the existing standard "Building Curtain Wall" only includes curtain wall system with glass, metal, stone and artificial panels as panels, and does not include wpc panel system. Therefore, wpc wall panel system should not be classified as curtain wall. American and Australian building codes have clear wind pressure requirements for exterior wall panels. When China enterprises export certification, such as American ICC-ES certification or Australian Codemark certification, they can not find the corresponding domestic standards.
When Chinese wpc exterior wall panel enterprises go abroad to enter the international market, they must pay attention to the differences between domestic and foreign standards in order to meet the requirements of the international market. National standard GB 50009 has given the corresponding basic wind pressure value for design wind pressure, which is relatively easy to find, while the external standard needs to be calculated, which is relatively complex. Considering that the relevant standards of wpc wall panel at home and abroad do not put forward specific requirements for wind pressure performance, it is suggested that the standard-making agencies should gradually increase the requirements for wind pressure performance indicators in accordance with market requirements so as to meet the requirements of building regulations and conform to international standards. Considering that there is a big difference in the calculation of design wind pressure between China and foreign countries, which can not be simply equated, attention should be paid to the export inspection and certification. For exterior wall panels, wind pressure is not only for the requirements of the wall panels themselves, but also for the whole exterior wall structure system, including fasteners and component systems. The strength of fasteners and connectors is also an important factor affecting the wind pressure of the wall system, which must be taken into account in product design.
Contact: Mr. Xu
Fax: 0769-84429098
Address: Building 10, No.6 Heshi Road, Shishuikou Village, Qiaotou Town, Dongguan, Guangdong,China
Contact : Mr. Xu
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Address:Building 10, No.6 Heshi Road, Shishuikou Village, Qiaotou Town, Dongguan, Guangdong,China
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